News (21)
Monday, 10 May 2021 07:00
Presentation of the Unique project on the Open Diversity day
On the 28th of May 2021, Symplexis had the honour to participate in the Open Day of Diversity and coordinate the final panel regarding sexual orientation covering issues related to education, work and generally all walks of life. A panel was composed of highly specialised representatives from Civil Society (Colour Youth and Athens Pride), Business (Accenture) and Institutional Authorities (Ombudsman’s Department of Equal Treatment).
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Thursday, 30 March 2023 14:12
Unique Online Training Platform launched
The Unique Online Training Platform is now open for registrations and can be accessed through the link: https://elearning.uniqueproject.eu/ by all possible media (laptops, desktops or mobile phones). Designed as a Massive Online Open Course (MOOC), it is currently offered in four different languages: English, Greek, Croatian and Polish, which represent the national languages of the Unique implementing countries.
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Tuesday, 18 October 2022 20:17
4th Transnational Meeting in Zagreb
Our Unique partnership met again in Zagreb for our 4th Transnational Meeting on 13th and 14th of October 2022. The meeting was co-hosted by Algebra and CCI Porec and took place in Algebra premises in the Croatian capital city. This meeting was conducted at a very critical milestone and offered the momentum for very important decisions among the partners.
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Sunday, 23 April 2023 07:23
UNIQUE Final Conference
Unique project partnership would like to invite you to the UNIQUE Final Conference which will take place in Brussels on 12 May 2023, hosted by the European Association of Institutes for Vocational Training (EVBB).
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Wednesday, 15 June 2022 21:31
The UNIQUE partnership stands in solidarity with LGBTIQ Prides
16 June 2022 - The UNIQUE partnership, consisting of 9 partners in 7 European countries, stands in solidarity with LGBTIQ* Prides in Europe and worldwide. The UNIQUE project promotes the full inclusion of all students in vocational education and training, including LGBTIQ students. GALE is part of the partnership.
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Monday, 16 May 2022 12:45
Unique “Train-the-Trainers’ Workshop” in Amsterdam
We completed successfully a 3-days “Train-the-Trainers” Workshop which was organized by GALE in Amsterdam, on the 11-13th of May 2022. Our participants, VET Teachers/Trainers from the project’s partner countries, had the chance to get trained on anti-discrimination and active inclusiveness of LGBTIQ learners within VET institutes.
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Tuesday, 10 May 2022 13:01
3rd Transnational Meeting in Amsterdam
Our 3rd Transnational Meeting, which took place in Amsterdam on 9-10 of May 2022, was just completed. The meeting was hosted by GALE and contributed not only to the design of our future activities but also to the team’s bonding. The partners had the chance to meet face-to-face for the first time, due to COVID-19 measures and local lockdowns that had been imposed throughout the first year of the project’s implementation.
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Saturday, 15 January 2022 20:33
Publication of UNIQUE's Manual on how to develop LGBTIQ inclusive curricula
The main aim of the manual is to introduce a non-discriminatory VET educational strategy, promoting the inclusion of LGBTIQ people and challenging discrimination and human rights violations based on sexuality and gender, as well as other forms of exclusion.
This manual is meant to aid VET teachers and trainers, as well as the developers of training Curricula and materials, in increasing their understanding of sexuality and gender and building their capacity to recognise stereotypes and discriminatory patterns against LGBTIQ people, creating VET programmes that are inclusive of sexual and gender diversity, and evaluate VET curricula from a gender and sexuality informed standpoint.
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Tuesday, 17 May 2022 19:20
VET Student Contest
Are you a VET Student? Are you passionate about artistic work?
This is your chance! Create your own piece of art and get awarded! Find more information about the contest here: VET Student Contest
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Friday, 22 October 2021 22:36
2nd Transnational Meeting
The second Transnational Meeting of the UNIQUE partnership was held on 20 October 2021. Due to the uncertainty caused by COVID-19 throughout Europe, it was organized online via Zoom platform and was hosted by our German partner, BK Consult.
The partnership discussed the progress of the project and the next steps. Currently, the partners have completed the National Reports which presented the status quo of LGBTIQ inclusiveness in VET in Greece, Poland, Croatia, Bulgaria and Cyprus (the piloting countries) as well as the level of discrimination that LGBTIQ VET Learners are facing due to their sexual orientation or gender expression.
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Wednesday, 30 June 2021 22:33
KES College: It’s never too late to educate people
In June, KES College has successfully organized two focus groups with students from their college. The discussion of the focus groups included issues such as preventing and combatting homo/trans/biphobic stances, perceptions and behaviours against LGBTIQ learners in the vocational education and training (VET) sector, thus facilitating their equal participation and creating an inclusive and safe educational and training environment.
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