Monday, 16 May 2022 12:45

Unique “Train-the-Trainers’ Workshop” in Amsterdam

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We completed successfully a 3-days “Train-the-Trainers” Workshop which was organized by GALE in Amsterdam, on the 11-13th of May 2022. Our participants, VET Teachers/Trainers from the project’s partner countries, had the chance to get trained on anti-discrimination and active inclusiveness of LGBTIQ learners within VET institutes.

trainthetrainers1The participants will become the first UNIQUE Ambassadors, transferring their experience and knowledge to their colleagues and being actively involved in peer training activities during the pilot implementation of our Curriculum later in the project. They will also be invited to talk about their overall experience of their engagement in the project during the Round Tables that will be organized at the end of the project.
Using innovative tools and practices and implementing current training schemes, approved by LGBTIQ international organizations, Mr Peter Dankmeijer, a highly experienced trainer in LGBTIQ topics, designed a set of interactive and engaging activities which the participants successfully delivered, developing their understanding and empathy and being triggered to consider their own stereotypes, feelings and experiences on handling real-life situations in their VET schools.
UNIQUE project’s key objective is to train VET Teachers/Trainers in order to promote a discrimination-free classroom and support inclusiveness and diversity towards LGBTIQ VET Learners and colleagues within their institutes. VET Teachers/Trainers who have attended our training and will take part in our future activities will hopefully become factors of change and will set the ground for a more equal VET system within the partner countries and beyond (through experience-sharing all over Europe).

If you wish to join our project’s activities and become an Ambassador yourself, you can read more here: